
Spelling Bee

Page history last edited by shannonayrish@... 13 years, 2 months ago

Please visit Scripps National Spelling Bee at www.spellingbee.com

for registration information and fee payment.


            October 15:                        On-line registration with Scripps (www.spellingbee.com)

         November:                     School Competitions

         December 16:                    Intent to Participate and name of school winner and alternate due

         January 10:                        2011 Leon County Spelling Bee, Leon, 7 p.m.

         February 11:                      Big Bend Regional Spelling Bee


Please be aware that the Leon County Reading Council is a voluntary organization that receives no state or district funds. Likewise, none of the registration fees are given to Leon County Reading Council. Trophies and prizes are solicited from donations and from the membership dues of the Council. Consider becoming a member of LCRC to support this project and others like it.



winner letter 11-12.docx

alternate letter 11-12.docx

Spelling Bee Intent and Winners 2011-2012.docx

Memo Spelling Bee 11-12.docx


Contact Information

Please return the Intent to Participate form and any questions to:

         Shannon Ayrish, ayrishs@leonschools.net  

         DeSoto Trail, 5200 Tredington Park Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32309

         Phone: 488-4511 FAX:  487-1623






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